
We assume that television and the Internet have homogenized society, while the opposite is true. People of like mind flock together like geese flying this direction or that, regardless of the season. Waffle House at 2am? It’s all the same people. Four different churches on the same intersection siphon their own like minded from the

Homogenized? Read More »

The Devil on Facebook

I’ve noticed that some of my friends on Facebook post comments regarding this or that activity of the devil, plus the detailed comments of their friends regarding an actual full-blooded devil.  Honestly, I’m struck by the fact that educated, intelligent people factor the devil as still roaming the world, seeking whom to devour, a devil

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Hospital Safety?

http://www.hospitalsafetyscore.org/ My cousin posted this on Facebook.  I think this is interesting that people are tracking and publicizing this, however, we must have CONTEXT! We assume any hospital provides exceptional safety procedures.  The “context” I will briefly discuss is MARKETING.  For, hospitals must have customers, due to competition between hospitals.  This would be considered the

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Client with Migraines

It’s been noted that 10,000 hours practice is the benchmark for becoming an expert at anything.  Colon hygienists are a tiny, tiny slice of the general population, but are witness to a critical social element.  Plus, a colon hygienist is on the back-end of a feedback loop between a doctor and their patient.  In other

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