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Books by Scott W. Webb:

By Scott W. Webb

Scott W. Webb was a professional colon hygienist for 15 years before he discovered that he’d been looking at parasites in the form of worms without recognizing them as such while performing colonics. Click here.

By Scott W. Webb

The statistics tracking illnesses in America reveal that something isn’t working. Do we really need more books about HEALTH? Or another newfangled diet peppered with supplements and the occasional round of antibiotics? Click here.

By Scott W. Webb

One of America’s leading colonic therapists gives you the inside scoop on digestive disorders that you or a loved one might be experiencing. Presented as the author’s testimonial, not intended to be a medical-type manual about the colon. Click here.

By Scott W. Webb

Occupy Wall Street has opened a dialogue about life as we know it in America. This book carries the discussion one step further reviewing the American system as it pertains to your health and well-being. Simple diagrams help you to map where you are and where you very likely want to be. Click here.

By Scott W. Webb

Why are young runners prone to low iron stores today? More than half are testing low in ferritin. What is it about? To medical professionals, it’s often an indicator for iron supplementation. How does the human body utilize iron and what depletes it? Click here.

By Scott W. Webb

In his nineteen years as a colon therapist, Scott Webb has developed as unique perspective on food and its journey through the digestive tract. He has witnessed first-hand as clients begin perplexed and then transform their health in ways pleasing to them. Click here.